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June 28th, 2014 / By: Luc Trombini

As most probably know the second installment of IDP's very own compilation is out in the shops. The compilation follows volume 1 and includes 14 never before released tracks in mixed italodance and lento style. Luckily, I got the privilege to review the entire compilation.

First track of the compilation is Alexandra Shine - Play That Game (Bietto Remix). Vocals chords are "ok" in my opinion and the lyrics could be better. The vocal ad-libs 'tutututu' is quite catchy and main melody arrives in the traditional italo-build up which works well. The melody hits the same notes as the vocal, which sometimes is an easy way out of originality, but here since we had that "...

July 12th, 2013 / By: Andrea Doerner

Two months after their first Decibel release Spaghetti Trip, aka Federico Romanzi and Mr. Dendo, released their second EP. This EP contains 6 tracks, 4 collaborations and 2 solo productions.

The album opens with Venere, a rather fast track at 125 bpm, where Dendo and Romanzi are adding a whole new dimension to their music. Disco Misto comes as a nice treat as it has been played by Gigi on Cammino's episodes. The full version has a riveting quality with its solid bass and kick. This track is followed by Febrology, another compelling production marked by its dissonant harmonics. Things are slowing way down with ...

May 10th, 2013 / By: Michael Waust


Mohsen Arabasadi aka Persian Raver has been a part of the italo community since he started to produce music, but he has gotten his success producing a mix of Hands Up, Hard Dance and Hard Trance with releases on one of the biggest labels in Germany called Mental Madness. Together with his old friend from Iran, TRANE aka Mohammad Aghamohammadi he released "Zombie".
The song is inspired by a video game published by PopCap Games called "Plants vs. Zombies" which also is where the cover and some sounds are borrowed from.

May 3rd, 2013 / By: Andrea Doerner


Deejay Stella has been one of the most active producers in recent times, having released multiple compilations under the A.C. Digital Record and Slowild Creation Labels, as well as several self-released ones. From time to time, he produces covers or inedits, making them available on his Soundcloud page. Truly versatile, Deejay Stella produces a wide range of slowstyle tracks using hard sounds with rap vocals, beautiful melodies in his viaggio trips, as well as the occasional experimenting with dubstep components.  

With Strange Experiments, Deejay Stella released his third EP under the Slowild Creation label which is owned by Daniele and Viviana Mondello. The EP...

April 29th, 2013 / By: Andrea Doerner


As new lento albums releases have become scarce over the last couple of years, here comes a new collaboration which brings the much needed light at the end of the tunnel. Davide Rodia, aka Mr. Dendo, and Federico Romanzi are the producers behind the project Spaghetti Trip which, according to their Facebook, was conceived in concept in 2004. Since then, they have collaborated extensively with Gigi D’Agostino and released several tracks on his albums. Nine years later, Federico and Davide have moved on to produce a number of solo tracks under their own names, and together as Spaghetti Trip. Along with Luca Francini, aka LuHa MsM, they are also producing a weekly shortcast...